Helping you change the world one nameless stranger at a time

Novel Excursion is a family-owned organization that seeks to make a difference by inspiring purposeful and mindful family travel. We do this by providing products, content, consulting, and events focused on:

  • Worldschooling
  • Volunteering

Our goal is to build a better tomorrow by giving you the opportunity to reach out and touch different cultures through travel, education, and service. Family travel is a great way to affect change by inspiring our next generation. One of the most current trends is sending your teenaged children to Summer camps where they not only get a vacation like experience but also have their studies at the same time.

Whether your cause is sustainability, equality, or human rights, the smallest gesture can incite the greatest change.

Think big, act small.

We are a worldschooling family

who wants to change the world one nameless stranger at a time. We are committed to giving back wherever we travel while raising third culture kids. Our greatest passion is to build a community of caring and selfless humans. Take a look around our site and let us know how we can serve you. More about us

What We Do

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Our precious moments shared with you…